Whether you’re leaving a job or relationship…

It’s important to end things gracefully. But we all know that’s not always easy!

There are countless reasons for leaving a job. You might have been offered a new one (congrats!). You might not like your current co-workers or environment. You could be going freelance or you might have just outgrown your current role. Try to use this as an opportunity to gain clarity on what you want and stay positive. Like with any breakup, you (and they) will get over it eventually.

There’s no ‘perfect’ time to quit your job and walking away is never going to be easy so to clarify it’s definitely the right decision for you, you might want to ask yourself a few of these questions…

  • Is it the job or am I unhappy with something else in my life?
  • Have I stopped learning?
  • Am I just mad at my boss this week?
  • Is my job effecting my mental or physical health?
  • When did I last feel excited about going to work?

From your answers, you’ll be able to gauge whether or not the decision to resign is right for you. A gut feeling can also be all it takes and you should feel empowered to follow your instincts when it comes to making a career-changing decision. The trick is to leave before things get ugly.

Writing The Perfect Resignation Letter

The perfect resignation letter is professional and to the point! Here’s how to write one:

  • Keep it short and sweet
  • Ensure you’re polite, avoiding personal criticism
  • Include some reasons for leaving but don’t drag up all the old history
  • Offer to help in the transition period
  • Thank them for the experience
  • Try to end on a positive note

By the time you write a resignation letter, you’ll probably already have your exit strategy worked out, so think of the letter as the beginning of a HR process and an opener for conversation. You should schedule some time to speak with your boss, face to face, before you tell anyone else in the business. Have an honest conversation about your resignation and thank them for the opportunity and experience.

Don’t Burn Bridges

The UK’s Digital Marketing and Tech industry is hugely incestuous! Everyone really does know everyone so it’s important to exit your job and the business as gracefully as possible. You don’t want to leave behind a mess and you don’t want to drag old baggage with you. You never know who you might bump into in the future! If you’re exiting a work environment full of toxic people, you don’t have to stay best friends with them, you don’t even have to ever talk to them again but leaving without causing upset can avoid hindering future career opportunities.

You’ll have an opportunity to send out a quick business-wide ‘farewell’ email on your last day of work. You can thank your colleagues (toxic or not) for the experience and if you choose to, leave your personal contact info.

Walking away can be difficult whether it’s from a relationship or a job this Valentine’s. Just remember neither of you win if you end things on awful terms. By staying professional and respectful, they’ll be sure to miss you.

If you’re looking to exit a job you’ve outgrown or find a team that you love working with, get in touch. Our expert recruiters will take the time to get to know you and your ambitions before introducing you to our wide range of exceptional employers. Send your CV to jobs@clockworkTalent.com or get in touch on our website.